Westside Community Council Meeting
Meeting at First Baptist Church of Danville (87...
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
End of Year Community Council Gathering
Meeting at the Institute for Advanced Learning ...
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Grant Description
Investments designed to support local students of all ages within the local public education systems and local advanced learning institutions.
Success School Pilot SBDP
Year: 2018
Amount: $250,000
Information: A two year grant to implement a 'Success School' pilot at Johnson Elementary School to reverse current academic trends in 3rd grade reading proficiency.
Website: http://www.smartbeginningsdp.org/
Danville Science Center Expansion
Year: 2018
Amount: $3,000,000
Information: To match funds from the state of Virginia and others for facility improvements and to procure four new permanent displays/exhibits.
Website: http://dsc.smv.org/
Piedmont Community College - CEAD 2020
Year: 2020
Amount: $2,647,200
Information: To help build The Center for Educational & Agricultural Development (CEAD)- a home for PCC’s Agribusiness Technology Program, along with a new food hub space to be operated by a local farmers' collective, an incubator farm to help lift up new farm entrepreneurs, and food retail to help build new markets and visibility for Caswell’s local food products.
Website: https://www.piedmontcc.edu/
CEAD Project at PCC
Year: 2023
Amount Awarded: $2,000,000
To Piedmont Community College in Caswell County, NC for the Center for Education & Agricultural Development (CEAD).
Danville Church Based and Community Tutorial - 2023
Year: 2023
Amount Awarded: $443,322
For expanded after school tutoring and enrichment.
Website: https://www.dcbtp.com/
Literacy Lab 2022
Year: 2022
Amount Awarded:$750,000
To implement at tutor program at Danville Public Schools.
Website: https://theliteracylab.org/
Gretna Library Expansion 2021
Year: 2021
Amount Awarded: $306,500
Library remodel and expansion in conjunction with county funds and donations from other organizations.
Averett University Online 2021
Year: 2021
Amount Awarded: $2,780,000
To expand Averett University Online programs.
Website: https://www.averett.edu/
Teacher Creativity Grants - DP Chamber
Year: 2017
Amount: $150,000
Information: A one-year continuation of the Teacher Creativity grants and Educator of the Year award programs.
Website: http://www.dpchamber.org/
Caswell County Schools
Year: 2017
Amount: $117,200
Information: A STEM Lab and after-school program matching grant made with the Golden Leaf Foundation. The grant will cover the following expenses: use of and fuel for tutoring buses; drivers for buses; teacher stipends and training on the PITSCO lab equipment and curriculum.
Website: http://www.caswell.k12.nc.us/
History United
Year: 2016
Amount: $702,556
Information: Funding for a three-year History United project to cultivate an inclusive historical narrative and future identity for the Dan River Region.
Website: http://www.historyunited.org/
Smart Beginnings Danville Pittsylvania
Year: 2015
Amount: $2,926,000
Information: To continue and expand regional efforts to improve educational outcomes in Danville and Pittsylvania County.
Website: http://www.smartbeginningsdp.org/
City of Danville Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Year: 2015
Amount: $19,570
Information: To create a "Maker's Space" in the Danville Public Library.
Website: http://playdanvilleva.com/
Caswell County Schools
Year: 2015
Amount: $1,901,460.00
Information: 1:1 Caswell Flow - to provide every student in grades 3-12 in Caswell County with a mobile computer device.
Website: http://www.caswell.k12.nc.us/
Danville Community College Educational Foundation, Inc.
Year: 2014
Amount: $168,400.00
Information: Matching funds to expand DCC's Career Coach Program throughout high schools in Danville and Pittsylvania County.
Website: https://www.dcc.vccs.edu/
Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber Foundation, Inc.
Year: 2014
Amount: $450,000.00
Information: Chamber Teacher Creativity and Educator of the Year programs
Website: http://www.dpchamber.org/
Pittsylvania County Schools
Year: 2014
Amount: $669,100.00
Information: Creation of the STEM Academy to increase the number of students pursuing STEM career opportunities. $669,100.00 2014 education http://www.pcs.k12.va.us/public/news.html
Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber Foundation, Inc.
Year: 2013
Amount: $150,000.00
Information: Teacher Creativity and Teacher of the Year Grant Program for 2013
Website: http://www.dpchamber.org/
Caswell County Partnership for Children
Year: 2012
Amount: $24,937.00
Information: To complete the groundwork for the Casville Youth Initiative and prepare an application for major funding to support the initiative as well as its replication/diffusion, over the next five years.
Website: http://www.bgcdanville.org/
Danville Community College Educational Foundation, Inc.
Year: 2012
Amount: $12,430.00
Information: To distribute UP 3D printers to 6 area schools and include a program to train area school systems on their use. Will encourage innovation in the local school system and inspire the creativity of the area's students.
Website: https://www.dcc.vccs.edu/
Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber Foundation, Inc.
Year: 2012
Amount: $150,000.00
Information: To provide funding for the Chamber of Commerce Teacher Creativity and Teacher Award program.
Website: http://www.dpchamber.org/
United Way of Danville-Pittsylvania County
Year: 2012
Amount: $2,323,763.00
Information: For the implementation phase of the NoBell Coalition, which will serve as the coordinating association for a regional effort to improve access, quality and sustainability of the regions afterschool programs.
Averett University
Year: 2011
Amount: $822,501.33
Information: Bachelor of Science Nursing Program
Website: http://www.averett.edu/
Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber Foundation, Inc.
Year: 2011
Amount: $140,500.00
Information: To provide funding for the Chamber of Commerce Teacher Creativity and Teacher Award program.
Website: http://www.dpchamber.org/
Danville Science Center
Year: 2011
Amount: $51,761.00
Information: To continue the regional planning effort around out-of-school time learning (the NoBell initiative).
Averett University
Year: 2010
Amount: $175,000.00
Information: Averett Strategic Planning Grant
Website: http://www.averett.edu/
Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber Foundation, Inc.
Year: 2010
Amount: $124,944.28
Information: 2010 Teacher Creativity Grant program
Website: http://www.dpchamber.org/
Virginia Early Childhood Foundation
Year: 2010
Amount: $5,449,180.00
Information: Partnership between the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation and United Way of Danville-Pittsylvania Co. for a five-year grant for the School Readiness Initiative, Smart Beginnings.
Website: http://www.smartbeginningsdp.org/
Virginia Legal Aid Society, Inc.
Year: 2009
Amount: $151,956.00
Information: Financial Freedom is a financial education and savings incentive program proposed to help low-income consumers in Danville and Pittsylvania County make good financial decisions, resolve consumer problems and build savings so as to achieve economic self-sufficiency and break the cycle of poverty.
Website: http://vlas.org/
Boys & Girls Club of the Danville Area
Year: 2008
Amount: $482,500.00
Information: $32,500 for the production of a strategic plan and $450,000 for operating expenses over a three year period. Operations expenses would be funded in the amounts of $225,000 for year one, $150,000 for year two, and $75,000 for year three and be based on an increasing amount of matching funds from the BGCD.
Website: http://www.bgcdanville.org/
Virginia Early Childhood Foundation
Year: 2008
Amount: $100,000.00
Information: To create the Smart Beginnings initiative in Danville and Pittsylvania County.
Website: http://www.smartbeginningsdp.org/