What does DRF want to see in the Dan River Region of the future?
What headlines do we want to see in local newspapers 10 years down the road?
Here are our
"Danville and Pittsylvania County Boast the Most Improved Graduation Rates in the Commonwealth."
There is nothing more important than a solid education - starting at pre-k all the way through to technical certifications and college.
This is why DRF invests in educational opportunities like Smart Beginnings, the Pittsylvania County School's STEM Academy, Caswell County Schools 1:1 Computer Program Averett University's Center for Community Engagement and Career Competitiveness and the precision machining pipeline at Danville Community College, Danville Public Schools, Pittsylvania County Schools, and The Institute for Advanced Learning Research.
Whatever our students and adults decide they want to excel at, they deserve every opportunity to make that happen.
Whether it's a degree, a skill, a certificate or additional training, accessible educational opportunities for all will transform this community in the years to come.
"Local Unemployment Drops 5% since 2015."
We need a living wage in this community. Plain and simple. DRF believes that if someone has the skills and wants to live and work in the Dan River Region, they should earn a living wage for their hard work and expertise.
Through investments in ENTRPRENEURSHIP, ADVANCED MANUFATURING and ADVANCED EDUCATION, our partners are opening doors to a new and diverse array of industry looking to relocate.
There is no quick fix for unemployment nor is there any way to know what's right around the corner in this global economy. But every investment, both public and private, is a building block to shoring up our case that someone can do good business here in the Dan River Region.
"Forbes Names the Dan River Region One of the 10 Best Places to Do Business."
What is doing business? And why is it important? This is a vital part of economic development and many times the first thing industry looks at when eyeing potential sites.
Doing business means access to POWER SUPPLIES that are economical and efficient; access to HIGH SPEED INTERNET and TECHNOLOGY; access to a WORKFORCE that is trained and ready to work; access to HIGHWAYS and RAIL to move product; EXPENSES, such as taxes, that are easily worked into budgets; and a COMMUNITY THAT EMBRACES NEW IDEAS and OPPORTUNITY.
"Danville and Pittsylvania County Praised for Regional Cooperation Over the Past Decade."
Just like many hands make light work, when regions work together they accomplish more than when they toil on separate paths. When it comes to eco- nomic development and tourism, the lines separating locales become less prominent.
Visitors to the Dan River Region don't know when they've crossed a line into another area but they do know when they see organizations and groups working together to make the experience good for all involved.
It's about time the Dan River Region realized that we are all working towards the same goals. We all want prosperity and opportunity and by working together, intentionally and with vision, we can achieve true cooperation.
"Kiplinger Names Dan River Region in the Top 10 Places to Live in the United States."
Unfortunately, there are many people in our region that think this area is not a good place to live. They complain about decisions from the past; they complain about the lack of activity; and they complain that they have had no say in their future. Complaining doesn't create change; it just cre-ates animosity and resentment.
At DRF, we, and many of our partners, believe that the Dan River Region is a great place to live, work and play with the potential to become even more so. We know that more and more people are making the decision to live here, build their futures and raise their families.
If we all work together to have the first four headlines become reality, number five will surely follow. It is important for us all to work towards a common goal and look towards a future that is bright. Working on our sep-arate paths only benefits a few. But by working together, we pool our re-sources and the weight becomes lighter as the burden is shared.